Virtual Reality Orland Park & Homer Glen, IL

All too often, patients in physical therapy find themselves falling off the wagon or feeling as if everything they’re doing during their sessions has become monotonous and boring. This poses a threat to their recovery, as it is vital to complete physical therapy treatment in order to gain the best results.

Here at GoodLife Physical Therapy in Orland Park, Homer Glen or Evergreen Park, IL we offer a unique and fresh approach with our physical therapy treatments: virtual reality therapy! Virtual reality exercises help patients to stick with their treatment and see it through to the end. If you’ve grown tired of mundane treatment options and are looking to switch things up a bit, contact our office in Orland Park, Homer Glen or Evergreen Park, IL


How Virtual Reality Therapy Can Help You

Virtual reality therapy helps to reduce a person’s fear of movement, and it encourages them to do more exercises, thus making more progress with treatment. At GoodLife Physical Therapy in Orland Park, Homer Glen and Evergreen Park, IL, we provide several types of virtual reality exercises for our patients to utilize. Each of these exercises are created to help a person recover different types of conditions and injuries. Some of the VR exercises consist of very simple, every day environments that allow for practicing normal, everyday activities, such as walking outside. With just the push of a button, your therapist can control the cognitive load and stimulus you receive, allowing for a more interactive therapeutic experience! The more engaged you are in your long-term treatment, the better results you’ll have.

How Can I Get Started?

Convinced virtual reality exercises might be something you’d like to try out? Contact GoodLife Physical Therapy in Orland Park, Homer Glen or Evergreen Park, IL to learn more about our virtual therapy exercise treatment options. We’ll make sure you feel engaged throughout your appointments to finish out your treatment strong!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!